Rain Forests, Costa Rica Nature’s Treasure

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Osa Peninsula

Osa Peninsula

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve

Corcovado National Park

Corcovado National Park


Suspended Bridge above the rain forest canopy

Suspended Bridge above the rain forest canopy

Tortuguero Canals, Costa Rica

Tortuguero Canals, Costa Rica

Giant fern tree in rain forest

Giant fern tree in rain forest

scarlet macaws

scarlet macaws

Visit the Rainforest of Costa Rica  Nature’s Treasures

As you walk into the rainforest remember you are a guest. Hundreds of creatures live here. This is their home.

The monkeys. White face monkeys and black howler monkeys inhabit Costa Rica’s rain forests. They will peer down at you from the very top of the trees. They will actually stare at you for a long period of time. You are a stranger to them. Respect and be kind to them. Don’t feed them. They take their nourishment from the rain forests.

Snakes-most people run and scream when seeing a snake, but remember you are in their territory. So quietly step back and take a path around them. If you don’t bother them, they won’t bother you.

Spiders-these are harder to see in the rainforest. Best to take a naturalist guide with you. He will spot spiders before you do and advise you to avoid them.
The rain forest has several species of tarantulas and they are big. Most people are terrified at the sight of a tarantula! They live in big holes..so just keep your eyes open.

Big trees hundreds of years old..are found in Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve and Corcovado National Park. Also I have seen some in Rincon de la Vieja National Park.
These trees are nature’s treasures. And are named “primary rain forest.”
“Secondary Rain forest” have had it’s trees cut and what you see is the secondary growths. The trees are smaller.

Birds- hundreds of species of colorful birds. Best to take a trained bird guide with you when you venture into the rainforest to look for birds, because birds can be very elusive. The sounds of these birds create a symphony of beautiful sounds, esp in the early morning-immediately after sunrise.
Follow the Rhythm of Nature “Rise with the Sun and retire with the Sun”
Everything in nature is more beautiful in the early morning and also in the late afternoons when the sun is setting.

“Take from the natural earth only what is needed. And no more.”

My clients ask?  Where are best rainforest in Costa Rica to visit?

There are primary rainforest which mean they are very very old and perhaps never have been cut.  These are best seen in large numbers in Corcovado National Park in Osa Peninsula in South Pacific of Costa Rica.  Many other areas of the Osa are home to these Primary Rainforest. Also Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve in Monteverde.  Rincon de La Vieja National Park in northern Costa Rica has quite a few big old primary trees.

Secondary Rainforest are found in and around Arenal Volcano.  These are large beautiful trees with wide buttresses. Secondary means that in some point in time these trees were cut but have grown back..just not as tall and wide as the Primary Rainforest trees.

Best Places in Costa Rica to see old primary growth rainforest.

Monteverde:  Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve.  Takes from two to hour hours to hike.  Trails are very good.  Lots of “ups and downs”  Need take water proof rain jacket.  Lots of mist and often rains, temperatures are very cool here.   Must have comfortable walking shoes.  Here is where you will see the most variety of old growth rainforest.  Trees with buttresses of three meters wide and seem to grow to touch the sky.  So thick the sunlight does not reach the canopy floor.  Contact Ann to help you find a quaint eco lodge to sleep.

Corcovado National Park.  Located in the southern Pacific region of Costa Rica and somewhat off the beaten path.You will need to take a small commuter flight from San Jose to get here. Weather is hot.  Need to dress light.  Need a guide to go into this park.  It is remote and one can get lost.  Primary rain forests are gigantic..beyond words! You will sleep in one of the eco lodges.  They are many and different prices ranges.  Contact Ann to help you chooseone.

Rincon de La Vieja National Park..old growth primary rainforest. At the base you can see many small geysers spraying hot steam into the air and puddles of quick sand. A very unusual sight!

Tenorio Volcano National Park.  Old growth rain forest and home of the most spectacularly beautiful Blue River.

Tortuguero National Park.  Home to the famous Tortuguero Canals which run parallel to the Caribbean Sea. Primary Rainforest filled with monkeys and colorful topical birds such as the Toucan.

Would you like to vacation in Costa Rica?  Contact Ann, “the costa rica expert to help you design and plan that special Costa Rica vacation.  Ann has visited the primary rain forest destinations she describes in this article. She can design your itinerary to include a visit to a primary rainforest.

contact:  anncreed23@gmail.com

Go to her website   www.costaricalearn.com



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