Costa Rica’s Blue River

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Costa Rica’s Blue River is located in shadow of the Tenor Volcano in rural sparsely populated north Central Costa Rica. The people are mostly descents of the indigenous tribes who lived here hundreds of years ago.  The largest population are the Choretega.   Today they work as small farmers and ranchers. Life is peaceful and simple. The crops include pineapple, papaya, chocolate, and yucca. These are sold to the local markets. All the children attend school and most graduate with strong skills in reading, writing, and math. To attend a university one must move to the central valley of San Jose or Alajuela and many live with relatives while studying.  The soil is rich and grows up to 2 crops per year and rainfall is plentiful. The above photo is Xinia by the Blue River.

Tourist come here for the rural tranquility and to hike the trail to the Blue River Waterfall. This is a BIG attraction. Also howler monkeys, sloths, many beautiful colorful birds, and snakes are the attractions. Would you like to visit this area of the Blue River on your vacation to Costa Rica?  You may contact Ann for personalized  family vacation planning to Costa Rica.



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