Monteverde A Land of Cloud Forest and Quakers

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Monteverde A Land of Cloud Forest and Quakers


Monteverde lies high in the mountains of central Costa Rica, seven thousand feet above sea level. Clouds seem to shroud the cool environment , and mist floats across the horizon.

The road to get there, well-if you can call it a road…..The route is off highway 1, better known as the Pan American Highway. The first perhaps twenty miles is recently paved and very nice. The remaining ten miles is slow moving rocky, dirt and dust. However, the views are spectacular. Gorgeous mountains grace the landscape with spectacular sunsets, and you can even see in the distant horizon the Pacific Ocean.

Monteverde was settled by a group of Quakers in the 1950s. The fled the United States in search of a utopia free from militarism. They farmed the land, sold milk and cheese, and settled into a rural, peaceful life.

Today in the small rural village of Santa Elena, in the heart of Monteverde, one can visit the cheese processing plant owned and operated by the Quakers. However, you must travel outside town to the outlying farms to find the Quaker of today still maintaining the life of gentle serenity.

Tourism has become the main industry in Monteverde drawing people from all over the world to experience this unique eco system of tropical primary rain forests, and in hopes to see the reclusive bird with brilliant blue tail feathers known as the Quetzal.

Tourist come for adrenalin pumping outdoor adventures.  The Magnificent Glass Gondola and Zip Line is the best!  The views from the top of the mountain are to die for and while zip lining back down you feel you are floating in heaven.
Add to this a walk over the tops of the rainforest on a series of suspended bridges. It is a total of six hours in a land of natural beauty and serenity.

The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is multiple paths in a primary rainforest. The trees have buttresses up to three meters wide, and the forest floor is shielded from the sun by the thick canopy of the rainforest.

So when is the best month to visit Monteverde? March and April. These are the dry months. The clouds still float close to the tree tops but there is less rainfall. The rainier month are September, October, and November.

What clothes do I bring? The Cool, misty, and windy climate calls for rainproof jacket, long pants, and a long sleeve T shirt. It is especially cool at night so bring long pajamas.

Vacation Planning by Ann The Costa Rica Expert  Like to visit Monteverde?  Ann can help you plan the perfect visit to Monteverde.

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