La Fortuna Waterfall-Arenal Volcano

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Hello from Costa Rica Learn 

Would you like to learn what it is like to hike down to the La Fortuna Waterfall, located at the base of the Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica

On a warm sunny day in late November my best friend Anneta and I set out for a great adventure to La Fortuna Waterfall.  This waterfall is located 4 miles outside the little town of La Fortuna on road to La Tigre and on to San Ramon. Also in the shadow of the mighty Arenal Volcano.  It is one of the most exciting outdoor adventures offered in the Arenal area.  We had a rental vehicle so we drove ourselves.  Admission was $11 US dollars and we were told that the money is used in the community for “save the rainforest by not cutting the trees.”  We began our hike into the most beautiful rainforest with trees as tall as the sky.  A family of green parrots flew just above our heads, chirping and squeaking loudly.  However, we did not realize that the hike down to the waterfall is 480 steps!  We had to decide to go or not to go.  And of course being very adventurous we set out for the twenty minutes “down the 480 steps!”  We were huffing and puffing but finally reached the waterfall.  We had worn our swimsuits under our clothes so we jumped into the pool of water formed by the gorgeous waterfall.  It must be a least 300 feet high!  A lifeguard was sitting on a rock with a whistle and he said to us.  “Do not swim near the waterfall”  So we splashed around and cooled ourselves for about forty five minutes and then sat on a large rock to watch the other adventurous souls and soaked  in the warm sunshine.

There is no dressing room so we got behind one of the huge trees and put on our dry clothes from our backpacks.   Now, back up the 480 steps!  And if one thinks going down was hard-well going back up was twice as hard!  Afterwards, We looked at each other and decided it had all been worth the effort.

To have an individualized Costa Rica Vacation planned for you (including this beautiful La Fortuna Waterfall) contact Ann, The Costa Rica Expert.  “Vacation Planning to Costa Rica”.  contact her -read about Ann and how she works on her website

Ann owns the travel agency  Costa Rica Learn Adventure Travel


La Fortuna Waterfall



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