Costa Rica Spotlight: The Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica, Which Zip Line Tour Should I Take?

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Ready? Go! Zip line tour, Arenal

Ready? Go! Zip line tour, Arenal

Zipping  over the top of the rain forest, Arenal

Zipping over the top of the rain forest, Arenal

Sky Tram Arenal

Sky Tram Arenal



Costa Rica Spotlight:  The Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica, Which Zip Line Tour  Should I Take?

The Arenal Volcano with  the Arenal volcano National Park is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Costa Rica.   What is the Arenal Volcano like?  It is a hugh cone shaped volcano which almost constantly spews lava, hot gases,  and hot molten rocks from its summits.    But these are small eruptions.  Not big enough to cause danger to the surrounding  areas.

Tourist come here from all over the world to experience this unique ecosystem created by this vast volcano.  The Arenal sits in the middle of a vast rain forest, home to hundreds of colorful birds, giant trees and colorful flowering plants.  Also the howler and spider monkeys live here.

When did the Arenal Volcano have it’s last major eruption?  In the early morning of July 29, 1968 the Arenal violently erupted and buried the small village of Pueblo Nuevo, located at the base of Arenal’s north face, killing 86 people.

The Arenal Volcano National Park and the surroundings of La Fortuna have become almost like a Disneyland in these tropical rain forest.  Soft and hard adventure activities are offered by two major tour companies,  Sunset Tours  and Desfios Tours.   One of the most popular is the Canopy Tour, offered by two different tour companies.  so it’s hard to decide which one to take.

First,  the company called Costa Rica Sky Adventures. You get into a sky tram and are lifted up through the rain forest to a platform.  Here is a lovely view of the Arenal  Lake and a walking trail through the rain forest which takes around thirty minutes.  Then you get strapped into the zip line gear and off you go!  From tree top to tree top.  It’s great because you see both the Arenal Lake and the rain forest tree tops as you swing through the trees.   Upon return you can take a walk through a butterfly sanctuary and learn about the life cycle of butterflies.

Second, the company named Arenal Mundo Adventura  has a  canopy tour with eleven zip lines!  And believe me they are high above the rain forest canopy.  Great fun!  I saw a flock of toucans near by one of the platforms.  After the zip line you go to the Maleku Indigenous Spiritual House.  Witness a spiritual ceremony and also have an opportunity to purchase  their beautiful art work.

Both of these zip line are great fun so I don’t have a favorite.

learn more: This shows the zip line in Monteverde as well as the one in Arenal.

learn more about arenal mundo adventura for the zip line tour:  go  to google and type their name.  I was unable to access them by searching their address any other way.



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