Poas Volcano National Park, Costa Rica

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Poas Volcano National Park is located 35 minutes by car north of the city of Alajuela-in the central valley of Costa Rica.  It is most visited national park in Costa Rica due to its location….close to the airport and Alajuela.

However: at this moment July 18, 2017, this national park is closed indefinitely due to it’s eruption which began April 12,2017 .It is now spewing sulfuric gases into the atmosphere and often large boulders shoot out of the Geyer’s one mile wide crater which land near residential areas  and cattle farms.  This volcano has 2 craters.  First the Lake Botos crater which is inactive.  It erupted thousands of years ago. Now it is a gorgeous lake.  A well maintained path leads upward to the viewing area of the crater.  The second crater is the 1.7 K wide active geyser, causing havoc and causing the park to be closed.

You may ask -what is a geyser?  Geyer’s are known as nature’s tea kettles. Thank of Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming USA.  This geyser regularly sprays hot water and vapor high into the air- entertaining tourists who come to Geyser Basin, the home to the largest number of geysers in the world.

I have visited many times this unique Poas Volcano National Park, Costa Rica, walking the trails  8,000 feet above sea level into the cloud forest of fog and rain. Hummingbirds love it here.  I saw 3 different species of dark brown hummingbirds.  Vegetation here is lush, the most famous is the umbrella tree with leaves 2 meters wide.  Ferns which habitat this area have thick hard leaves to protect from the cool environment.  One can easily spend 2.5 hours inside this park.  The interactive museum located in the visitors center is a must to see. Plus a very good gift shop next to the museum and a great Costa Rica coffee shop with pastries.

What you need when you visit this national park.  good walking shoes   light rain jacket  $10 park entrance fee..no credit cards…. 2.5 hours is enough time to hike the trails and visit the crater..also visit the National Park museum and gift shop ..plus the coffee shop with pastries and great Costa Rica Coffee.

How to get there:  rental car..35 minutes north of  Alajuela. Take road north out of Alajuela passing the Justice building (signs to Poas)     taxi is approx $80 to take you there and stay with you —   group tour for the day-different companies charge around $110 per day.

Thinking of vacationing to Costa Rica?  contact Ann to help you.  You and her together can create a fabulous itinerary to suit your desires and budget.   anncreed23@gmail.com






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