Why I Love Costa Rica

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Costa Rica is a small country in Central America about the size of the state of West Virginia in the USA. People ask me. “Why do you love Costa Rica?”  I replied.  I love Costa Rica for many Reasons.  To begin my story:  In a rural Georgia town called Columbus, located in the deep southern part of the USA,  I met my husband Rod. We fell in love, and stayed together for the next 34 years. We first located to Atlanta, Georgia where he practiced Thoracic Surgery at St Joseph’s Emory Hospital, and I was the office manger and nurse in his office. We had 2 beautiful children who are now adults with their own families. During the last years in Atlanta, I worked two days a week in a Travel Agency in our neighborhood. There my desire was born to create an online Travel Agency with google’s help to Design Vacation Itineraries to Costa Rica. While living  in Atlanta, Rod and I escorted several doctors groups to Costa Rica. The best was the one hundred passenger small ship which cruised from Puntarenas on the mid-western Pacific to the Osa Peninsula in the deep southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica.  We experienced so many wonderful adventures!  Sadly, today, this small ship is no longer in operation.

After retiring to Costa Rica , my husband was one of a small  group of professionals to form a third political party in Costa Rica called Citizens For Action or PAC. He threw himself whole heartedly into the cause. The party was slow to grow. However;  in 2014,  the presidential candidate (Mr. Solis) won the election. My husband was offered the post of second vice president, but for reasons I will never understand, he declined. As time passed and my husband spent less and less time at home and more time with the PAC,  I knew it was time for me to take my wings. I started the on line website costaricalearn.com  This has been my love and I have sent dozens of families to Costa Rica with my customized vacation itineraries.

In my last years of marriage, I lived six years in Costa Rica.  I was fortunate to get to know the Costa rican people. They are warm, friendly, and welcoming.  I studied Spanish to be able to converse in their native language, attend the social functions, and really become a Costa Rican.  I love the weather with soft afternoon rains and sunny mornings. My favorite escape was to Arenal.  I always went to Tabacon Hot Springs where I enjoyed the mineral springs and got a deep tissue massage by an expert massage therapist. Simply glorious!  Soon Costa Rica was growing on me. My Costa Rican friends said, “Ann you are beginning to act like a Tica.”  Meaning a Costa Rican woman.  I have been very lucky.  I have traveled to most of the  popular tourist destinations in Costa Rica, and enjoyed each and every one of them. Arenal, Tortuguero, Manuel Antonio, Tamarindo, North West  Guanacaste beaches, and the remote Osa Peninsula are among my favorites.

Although I am a US citizen, Costa Rica is my second home. My beloved “adopted” daughter Xinia and her two children and husband are a big part of my family.  Xinia came to live with me in Atlanta when she was only fourteen years of age.  She finished high school and attended one year at Dekalb College. She returned to her homeland of Costa Rica, married and had her family.  She is now a great help and partner in costaricalearn.com

Our Motto:  “Costa Ricans are the Happiest People on the Planet”

Ann would like to help you design your vacation to Costa Rica.  Contact:  anncreed23@gmail.com  Also explore her website to learn all about how she works.     https//:costaricalearntravel.com




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